These children made my heart melt!
Awwww, my heart just melted! 💚
In between all my brainy activities—teaching, preparing classes and courses, writing books, etc.—my brain sometimes just needs a break. And what better way than a bit of litter-picking? It’s simple, refreshing, and can't be more brainless!Today, I needed that break, so I went out—even though it was windy, cold, and even briefly snowed.
Halfway through my route, two teachers with 16 children stopped to cross the road. One of the teachers turned to the kids and said, "We just talked about all the litter around here. Look, this lady has been picking it up. That is awesome, so what do we say?"
In their adorable, squeaky voices, all 16 kids yelled together: "THAAAAANK YOOOUUUU!"
Oh, how wonderful! My heart melts again just writing this. 💚
It’s small moments like these that remind me: Every little action matters, and people—especially kids—are watching and learning from what we do. So, if you ever feel like clearing your mind and making a difference, why not grab a bag and pick up a few pieces of litter on your next walk? You never know who you might inspire.
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