
Showing posts from July, 2020

Roof with solar panels

347 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge:  When we came across this farmhouse, I was impressed by the number of solar energy panels! And whoever was first, the neighbors were a good example to each other as all houses around it were covered too. I hope this will become more common here soon.

Improving my recycling

346 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge:  I found an article about how well we recycle in Germany. About 2/3 that is put in the residual waste bin should go in another bin. I'm glad I checked in this picture whether I'm doing it right as I found something I can also improve on: wood and cork. 

No hiding for global warming and plastic soup

345 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge:  When I saw this cute gnome, it made me realize that hiding for e.g. plastic soup and global warming is exactly the opposite of what I'm doing with my Challenge: I'm facing it, because I want future generations to be able to enjoy earth as much as I do.

Three others doing a 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge too

344 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge:  Today, I'm again really excited, as we're now with four doing a 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge! Thank you so much @sergius_south, @jewell35_a, and @Notsosmart13 (on Twitter) for joining! I absolutely love it as together we can achieve more :-D

Focus on what went well vs what wasn't perfect

343 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Imagine you're doing 100 things for someone you love. Of these, 99 work out well and 1 isn't perfect. What do you prefer this person to focus on? I prefer the 99. So thank you for accepting me not being perfect (Day 238) when I e.g. drive a car a few times a year.

Workshop about plans towards climate neutrality

341 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: A month ago, I was randomly selected for a survey about my city's plans towards climate neutrality. Today we discussed the results. I of course shared what I learned from my Challenge, e.g. how important it is to consider the psychological aspects of change too.

Links between sustainability and drawing

340 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: I'm so happily surprised how many links there are between sustainability and drawing. Today, during my last drawing lesson, we drew on a beer mat that we used the day before. As this course has inspired me and I enjoyed it, I'll keep drawing up.

Many ways to draw a tree

339 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Yesterday, I was pointed out that there isn't a "right" way to draw a tree. It's true: just as there are many ways to live more sustainable, there are many ways to draw a tree. These are results from today's drawing lesson (1 and 2 are without looking at the paper).

Seeing more over time

338 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: This is my fifth try of drawing my first tree. I just didn't see how to draw it properly due to lack of practice. The same happened before my Challenge: I didn't see 365 ideas. But as I saw more and more with time, I've faith I'll soon be better able to draw a tree.

Already the second go is so much easier

337 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: During today's drawing lesson, the first drawing was a struggle. Therefore, I was astonished how much easier it was during the second exercise. At the same time, I recognized this experience from living more sustainable: already the second go is so much easier.

Drawing course

336 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: This week, I'm doing a drawing course. I've wanted to improve these skills for years and have a good reason now: I noticed during my Challenge that drawing is a great way to transfer my ideas into the physical world. And the more skills I have, the easier this is.

How would you celebrate?

335 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: When I finished my PhD in 2013, I celebrated with many friends and family members. As I also want to celebrate finishing my Challenge, but can't invite many people, I'll have to do it differently this time. What would you do to celebrate such a milestone?

Celebrating instead of telling myself off

334 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Recently, I played golf and noticed a stunning difference: a fellow player told himself off for his bad hits, whereas I was only celebrating my good hits. I believe that my habit helps me to stay motivated, not give up (Day 330), learn faster and have more fun.

Behind the scene

333 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Here I'm taking pictures for my Challenge. I'm using a camera I bought years ago with money that I earned by participating in scientific studies. The idea: when it takes a lot of effort to earn the money and I then still want to buy it, it's worth it. It was indeed!

Together we can achieve more

332 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: The work on a book about this Challenge (Day 268) is progressing well. I'm glad that I get help with for example the design, as my Challenge has become such a large project that I can't do everything on my own anymore. And: together we can achieve more.

Preserving biodiversity

331 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Imagine you go for a walk. Would you prefer to see different flowers (left half of the picture) or the same ones (right half)? As I prefer seeing different flowers, I have another good reason to help preserving biodiversity by living more sustainable.

Seeing things that are moving

329 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: What do you see in this picture? As the human eye is trained to see things that are moving (as this is potential danger), it is easier to find the grasshopper when it moves. This is also how you found me: you saw me moving whilst doing my Challenge.

Engaging with you via Q&A

A few months ago, I started my Q&A. You can find the questions and answers on the Q&A page. As I'm now finalizing what will happen after Day 365, I appreciate your point of view and love to engage with you, I'm thinking of extending the Q&A by asking you more often too (like I do now). What do you prefer: you only asking, you only answering, both or none? I prefer asking only I prefer answering only I like both I suggest stopping Q&A

Climbing up regardless of what others expect

327 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: About two meters (6,6 feet) above the ground, I discovered a snail. Obviously, he didn't stay on the ground because I never expected him to achieve this. Likewise, regardless of whether others expect me to be able to finish or not, I keep climbing up my Challenge.

You never fail webinar

326 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: At work today, I did a webinar on how I never fail (Day 225). Just as I do here on Twitter and my blog, I shared my experiences and lessons learned, hoping that it helps you/them to become (even more) successful too.

Staying on track

325 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: My Challenge contains many small tasks that keep me busy. Working on them makes me feel like I'm heading straight towards my goal. However, every now and then I need to check where I'm actually going to make sure I don't miss any curve that brings me off my path.

Conquering a mountain

324 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: A while ago, I learned that some people want to walk up the Mount Everest. In this video, I explain how I conquer my mountain called "365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge" (Duration 1 min):


323 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: The left half of the picture is what I typically see when I look at a flower. That's why it was eyeopening when I turned 90°: it showed me how a small shift lets me discover things that from now on make me look at things completely differently.

Getting close to match point

322 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Until I was 18, I played tennis. In matches, I didn't get nervous when match point got closer. However, I have to admit that I do get excited about getting close to the end of my Challenge. Will it work out? So I'm now doing everything I can to make sure it will.

Getting one foot off the ground to move forward

320 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Whenever I stand on two legs, I feel stable. However, to move forward, I have to get one foot off the ground. This duck reminded me, there is no need to worry: it is possible to stand on one leg without toppling over. That's why I feel confident changing my habits.

Upcoming summer holiday

319 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: In a few weeks, I'll go on this year's summer holiday. I'm looking forward to it. This year, we won't be able to go on a cycle holiday, as I need to bring too much equipment for my Challenge. So the good news for you: I'll take you with me.

Keeping my unpleasant feelings in

318 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Yesterday, I had lower energy than normally and wondered why. I then realized that I forgot what I learned in the past and shared with you on Day 281 about feeling unpleasant feelings. So I was just reminded how much energy it costs to keep the door closed.

Different flowers I found on a walk

317 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: On Day 313 I shared that I walk the same route again and again. This time, I focused on flowers. I was surprised how beautiful they are and that I never noticed some of them the day before.