
Showing posts from August, 2019

#12 - Drinking water from reusable instead of deposit bottle

When traveling, I always bring at least one liter water with me. I used to have a deposit bottle that I refilled. But every now and then, I got rid of it to have a clean new one. When I saw someone with this reusable bottle, I bought one as well. It looks good (and professional when at work), contains a liter and can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Or by hand, which I do, as I use it all the time :-).

#11 - Taking deposit bottle with me for handing in instead of throwing it away

During our cycle tour, the bottle with sparkling water I brought – and later refilled with tap water – broke. A leaking bottle is not really helpful, so I wanted to throw it away. But my boyfriend reminded me that it is much better to take it and hand it in so that it can be recycled. And so we did.

#10 - Collecting cold water while the water is heating up

Yesterday I wrote about having shorter showers to save water. I also capture the water that comes out of the tap while the water is heating up as it always takes quite a few second for the water to be warm enough. After showering, I use this water to rinse the bath, water the plants in my house or in my garden.

#9 - Showering half the time I used to

As climate change causes more extreme weather conditions, it is possible that the extreme dry period in 2018 is a sign that something is changing. As in 2019 it for a while looked as if another dry period would set in, I decided to be more careful with the water I use. Therefore, I these days shower a lot shorter than I did before. I haven’t measured the exact time, but I believe that I shower at least half as long.

#8 - Eating sandwich spread from a glass instead of plastic cup

Yesterday, I wrote about deciding to use butter with as little wrapping as possible. Sometimes, butter is presented without wrapping at all, which is even better. More (and more) often, I can choose between a sandwich spread that is provided in a refillable glass and one that is wrapped in plastic. This time, I wanted to eat the chocolate spread but decided to eat marmalade. And this time I forgot, but next time, I’ll let the hotel know that I appreciated the refillable-glass-solution.

#7 - Using as little wrapping as possible

When I have breakfast in for example a hotel, butter is often presented in little plastic cups or is wrapped. I don’t like this, as it is quite a bit of waste for only a little bit of content. But I want to stick to my breakfast routines to make sure that I have a lot of energy during the day – for example to write this blog – so I decide in favor of the butter with less wrapping.