Steering toward a greener future

🌿 Let's focus on a greener future! 🌍 Setting positive goals is key to a healthier planet. Instead of thinking about what we don't want, let's envision where we want to go and how a more sustainable future looks like. Just like a driver focuses on staying on the road and where he/she wants to go rather than on avoiding obstacles at the off the road.

I'm doing this for example by:

- helping scientists in the field of #nature and #sustainability to share their results with us in a way we all understand

- going litter-picking every week to keep the neighborhood clean

- traveling by train and bike instead of car and plane

- eating very little meat

Just to name a few.

Let's put our energy toward these goals and watch our actions drive positive change!

PS: The image is generated by AI and shows my mental image of me steering toward a healthier planet. 
