xplore Coral reef restoration site in Bali

Coral bleaching is often discussed as a critical environmental issue. Do you know why?

Many coral reefs around the world are currently bleaching due to warmer ocean water. Ocean water is getting warmer due to huge amounts of CO2 emissions caused by burning fossil fuels.

Bleaching is critical as it means corals are dying. When they die, this has many consequences. For example, corals are among the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, providing a habitat for many marine species. When they die, this affects many other species!

Also, corals store a lot of carbon, which is released back into the environment when they die, causing CO2 levels to increase even further.

That is why - apart from reducing CO2 emissions - it is important to protect coral reefs for example by planting new corals! In my latest Xplore Nature YouTube video, I'll show you: I'll take you on a super exciting virtual dive over a coral reef restoration site in Bali, Indonesia! With an optional guided tour in the subtitles sharing fascinating underwater secrets! Join the tour here now: https://youtu.be/ng6Now5FoX0
