Sustainability Masterclass at German University

This semester, I have taught a Masterclass at a German university about environmental sustainability. In the Masterclass, students studied a broad range of environmental issues and solutions. Also, they presented different topics to inspire others to take action toward a healthier planet.

It was wonderful to see them grow! For example, many didn't realize before the Masterclass that environmental sustainability involves a lot more than just climate change and/or CO2 emissions. So this course was eye-opening for them!

Also, they enjoyed learning about these many different topics, as they not only heard and read about it but also presented to other students about a topic of their choice and traveled the world virtually. With the feedback provided by all participants, they were even able to improve their presentation skills!

And most importantly: every student was inspired to make changes in their daily life based on what they learned. For example, one student had already decided to fly less often and some had started to reduce water and electricity use.

I'm looking forward to organizing this masterclass again in the future! 
