Riddle: who do you think I am?

Riddle: Who do you think I am?

- When I go to work or to a shop, I travel about 21-28 km/h (15-20 mph); when I return home from shopping, my speed is about 17 km/h (12 mph).
- I prefer visiting the same type of shop when I go shopping, even more so when I live in a city. In that case, I also stay longer in the same shop than when I live in rural areas.
- If the summer is too hot or cold, I may not be able to buy enough food for the winter time.
- Varroa mites like me - unfortunately.
- I love flowers!

When you add your answer in the chat, I'll like it when it is correct.

If you don't know the answer yet, these articles I wrote will help you find the answer:
