Love, kindness, and support for each other and our planet don't know any boundaries; in time or space

I'm currently grieving because of the sudden death of a person very dear to me. The time we spent together shows that love, kindness, and support for each other and our planet don't know any boundaries; in time or space:

I met him 4 years ago, about the time I started my #sustainability journey. Since then, we've been talking to each other on the phone almost every week. We always had great conversations and he was always a huge support to me as he always believed in me and my work, and the positive difference I'm making to the world. Without him, I wouldn't have been where I'm now!

I'm very grateful for the times we were able to spend together as we were always able to connect deeply. And even though he did not actively contribute to sustainability in his work because he was a coach, he has made a huge positive difference by supporting me!

And even though I've never met him in person, I have only seen him via webcam once, he lived 8 time zones away from me, and was one generation older, he will always be in my heart and therefore will continue to shine his bright light into our world!
