Implementing nudges in food choices helps reducing foodwaste

 🌍 Wasting food has serious environmental consequences, especially in large amounts.

🍽️ Currently, about 1/3 of the food produced globally for human consumption is lost or wasted, which amounts to a staggering 1.3 billion tons per year!

😱 To put it into perspective, that's equivalent to discarding about 226 Great Pyramids of Giza annually.

🌱 Reducing food waste is a crucial step towards a more sustainable future.

🍴 By adopting sustainable food consumption behaviors and implementing nudges in our food choices, we can make a positive impact.

🔗 Discover more about the environmental impact of food waste and how we can make a difference 👇 :

Let's work together to build a more sustainable food system!

Nudges can help us make more sustainable food choices (credit: Ella Olsson on Unsplash)
