Video podcast "The story of the 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge"

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I met Justin Lewis and Sia Vozovik from NatureHub. This week, they published the podcast with video of our chat:

As I love contributing through talks, podcasts, interviews, etc. more often, feel free to reach out when you organize an event or know someone who does.

Short description of this video podcast: "Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten tells us how to implement healthy habits, reminding us about the importance of not being too harsh on ourselves and not expecting perfection. When we plan to run a marathon, we don’t go for a marathon on day one, right? We train gradually and grow slowly. This is a great analogy for sustainable living too! In this interview, Erlijn tells us how to save money through sustainable living. We discuss climate anxiety and ways to not feel that burning worry about the future." 
