I expected to be alone with litter-picking—but boy, was I wrong!
Yesterday, I planned to set out for another litter-picking round, expecting to be alone—but boy, was I wrong! It was a beautiful winter morning, with the sun shining bright, so I very much felt like going out. The day before, I had noticed a lot of litter along a street - which we cleaned about half a year ago. So, I decided to return and clean it up once more. As it was short notice, I didn't expect anyone to join, but asked anyway. One said she would be able to join at 3 pm, which worked for me too. Since two people already make a team, I shared the plan with the rest of the Sch(m)utzengel litter-picking group. In the end, we were with 5! Wow, it feels so great to be part of this wonderful group and making a positive difference with them! We gathered 2.5 bags full of trash, 2 buckets with paint leftovers, and a large piece of steel (no idea what that is). I hope you’ll give it a try soon too. You never know how rewarding it feels until you do. And who knows who might join you? đź’š