
Showing posts from May, 2020

Appreciating nature even more

285 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Yesterday, I had a day off from work. I decided to have a break from staying at home and visited a place out of town that is quiet, peaceful and green. I noticed that as I'm working really hard on preserving our environment, I appreciate nature even more.

News on what happens after Day 365

284 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Last night, I couldn't sleep, because I was so excited. I had a new idea about what will happen after Day 365. I felt this excitement too when I came up with this Challenge so I know this is it. And typical for me: now I can't wait! (I'll give you a hint: good luck!)

Mattering to others

282 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: I learned that mattering to other people is a fundamental need for human beings. For me, this is indeed true: I do love to matter and make a difference to your life and this world by sharing my ideas. And you matter a lot to me too, knowing you're in this with me.

Accepting unpleasant feelings

281 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Obviously, there are days on which I don't feel so great (Day 280). In the past, I focused on not wanting to feel that way, which made it worse. I've learned that by accepting less pleasant feelings, they go away quicker and I can enjoy the positive feelings more.

How an old pain is making me stronger

280 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Today, I share with you how an old pain is making me stronger, hoping that it makes you stronger too (duration: 1:46 min):

My inner compass

278 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Even though it isn't easy to make decisions that aren't mainstream (Day 277), I feel very strongly that it's the right decision. I've learned that I can trust my inner compass and can feel where my True North is: my compass also showed me the way to my Challenge.

Serving the world

277 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: This week, I discussed with my bosses whether I'll go for a promotion this year. Even though it's financially attractive and I'm ready for it, I decided against it: it would reduce the amount of time and energy I can put in serving the world with my Challenge.

The process of writing my posts

273 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: As Twitter has a character limitation of 280 for each tweet, I need to juggle with both words and thoughts so that my message fits. As this can be tough, I often write a first version which I put away for a while. When I get back, shortening/rewriting is easier.

Plans for 365 Sustainable Decisions book

268 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Thanks for sharing your view on Day 262 about a 365 Sustainable Decisions book! As I've published two books before, I know I love writing. However, it is also lonely at times. So I'll now look for a publisher to be able to work together with someone.

Taking the leap

266 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Fear is often something that holds people back from doing things they want. But I once did a course that included the exercise to go skydiving to show me that I can do things even when I'm scared. I'm glad I took the leap and jumped into my Challenge.


264 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Today, I lost track of time and almost forgot about making today's post, because I've been gathering materials and been working on an insect hotel / bug hotel. I love being in such a state: I forget everything around me and am concentrated for hours. It's called flow.

#264 - Wearing cylindrical cloth as face mask (using boiling water to disinfect) instead of one-way mask

As it is obligated for me to wear a face mask when going to a shop, I have decided to use an cylindrical cloth which I had anyway instead of a one-way mask. I can put the cloth in boiling water to disinfect it.

Honoring the small things

263 days into my 365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge: Today, I received a picture from someone who took action based on yesterday's idea. I think I love my #Challenge so much because I really enjoy such small things. And it reminds me of the Dutch saying: "Who does not honor small things, is not worthy of great things."

5 Ways to reduce water consumption

What are some effective ways to reduce water consumption? In this article by Erlijn Van Genuchten​ we look at 5 simple actions we can all take! What ways you try to avoid consuming too much water?