#463 - Switching device off instead of leaving it on standby

I‘m surprised that I didn‘t come up with this item before, as I have heard many times before that leaving devices on standby requires a lot of energy. I guess it‘s because they don‘t use much, but when continuously using a little eventually makes a lot too. That‘s why I switch my devices off. Also, it saves me hours at work, as I don’t have to earn this wasted money. 

Would you like to spend less hours working and still have the same amount of money too? Or do you want to have more money with the same number of hours at work? Then this course will give you a kickstart: https://www.sustainabledecisions.eu/start-saving-money-short-and-full-course

On the left a picture of a device that is on standby; on the right a picture of the same device that is switched off

